Your Credit Score Can Effect Your Entire Life, But It Is Not a Hopeless Situation
Texas Custom Credit Repair is committed to guiding you in the right direction to improve your credit. Hiring our credit repair company is a strategic move for improving your financial reputation and securing a brighter future. By enlisting the expertise of professionals who understand the intricate nuances of credit reporting and dispute processes, you can streamline your credit repair efforts, expediting the removal of inaccuracies or negative items from your credit report.
This not only demonstrates your commitment to responsible financial management but also positions you for greater financial opportunities We are a locally and family-owned business providing quality services at rates lower than what our competitors charge. Call us to schedule an appointment right away!
Credit Repair Services
Get in touch with us to sign up for our credit repair program. We offer a 100% money back guarantee. Don’t let poor credit hold you back. Call us today for a FREE credit evaluation!
VA Solutions
Texas Custom Credit Repair educates veterans or active duty military on the VA Home Loan process. We offer 10% off for first responders, military personnel, and educators!
Here's what our satisfied customers are saying...
I’d like to thank Harley Walters personally for bringing his expertise and skills to help me directly. Texas Custom Credit Repair delivers on their commitment and promises. Please call me should you find yourself considering using them. I’m more than happy to share my experience and story. 512-574-5085
I wasn’t sure how to repair my credit. I knew it was not that good, but I didn’t know where to start. Lucky for me Harley called me and gave me some really terrific advice on how to increase my credit score. I will tell all my friends to call Harley! He is friendly, professional, empathetic, and compassionate.